July 07, 2021 09:07PM


What IMPACT is doing is truly revolutionary. I wholeheartedly support the open-access peer-reviewed journals that IMPACT Publishes. This is the wave of the future for scholarly publishing. The service that IMPACT provides is both valuable and visionary. The editorial board was organized to solicit excellent papers worldwide, the members of which are well known scientists in different fields of science and engineering. I am so pleased with the service of the editorial board of IMPACT. The intellectual productions, the review processes, and the published works do not differ at all, from any other ranked academic journals. Just read the information on the homepage of IMPACT to see how its innovative approaches benefit the authors and researchers around the world.

July 06, 2021 11:07PM

Dr.Sarangapani Nivarthi

IMPACT for Computational Technologies abbreviated as ‘Impact Journals’ have several National Journals in India and is fast expanding internationally in multiple academic fields of publications operating from several locations worldwide. It has strongly established its presence as a peer reviewed and open access publisher, with several academicians and institutions submitting their researched areas for publishing, both within India and Internationally. It has also scaled the NAAS rating within India and Impact Factor score internationally to significant levels of publishing in all academic fields published by Impact Journals. Some of its journals have an impact factor that are only equalled by < 10% of all published literature.

The publishers and the Editorial Board are astonishingly prompt in their publication timelines, completing the process in weeks, compared to several months that is often required by many other publishers. Their communication over telephone and mail is very efficient, pertinent and prompt, with no delay on any occasion. The publishers even cater to author requests in a flexible manner, accommodating any delays or requirements from the submitting authors as much as possible. They even assist in allocating the presented topic of the paper to the most appropriate journal in their wide range of journals published. Overall, it was an efficient and pleasant experience submitting our work to this prestigious publisher, and we highly recommend our colleagues to similarly submit their work here.
We take this opportunity to thank the publisher and the Editorial Board for their support and invitation to submit our paper, and pleasantly assisting us in this endeavour. We wish to see Impact Journals scale the journey of high achievement in International academic publishing that influences practice in respective fields.

June 30, 2021 11:06PM


I wholeheartedly thank IMPACT for publishing my research paper within no time. I thought it would take at least a month to publish my paper. But, I am utterly surprised to find that, they have done it in a span of a couple of days. Their valuable suggestions helped me to refine my paper. There is no doubt that, IMPACT is helping research scholars across the globe to publish their research work in a speedy and accurate manner.

June 30, 2021 10:06PM

Mr.Eric Santosa

What IMPACT is doing is truly revolutionary. I wholeheartedly support the open-access peer-reviewed journals that IMPACT Publishes. This is the wave of the future for scholarly publishing. The service that IMPACT provides is both valuable and visionary. The editorial board was organized to solicit excellent papers worldwide, the members of which are well known scientists in different fields of science and engineering. I enjoyed the service of the editorial board of IMPACT. The intellectual productions, the review processes, and the published works do not differ at all, from any other ranked academic journals. Just read the information on the homepage of IMPACT to see how its innovative approaches benefit the authors and researchers around the world. 

June 30, 2021 10:06PM

Dr.V. Tejeswara Rao

From the initial submission of our manuscript till it was published, the whole process was pleasant to me and to my co-authors. What IMPACT is doing truly revolutionary. I wholeheartedly support the open-access peer-reviewed journals that IMPACT Publishes. The submission guidelines and forms are very clear. The Editor has been responsive to all our questions and inquiries. The reviewers were well selected, which facilitated constructive remarks and suggestions.

June 27, 2021 01:06AM


I found that editorial members are very systematic in the process of journal publication. They were very prompt in their mail reply and service delivery. The review and correction of my article was very constructive and genuine. I appreciate their support in helping authors to publish quality article on time. `

May 26, 2021 12:05AM

Mr.Samik Sen

I have found the quality of production and intellectual content of Impact Journals highly satisfying. I appreciate their punctuality and dedication. There is not a single typological error in the published papers and their promptness
to respond to any query reflects their sincerity and professionalism. I am sure that the Impact journals has made substantial contribution in the field if research and has promoted the dissemination of original ideas across disciplines.

May 22, 2021 11:05PM

Ms.Chandni Rauniyar

The publication process with IMPACT Journals was entirely a pleasant process as approachability for communication and feedback was fast and precise. The first paper that I wrote was published by them and the guidelines for the process of publication were fairly straightforward making the entire process effortless and simple. They were very professional and I would be keen to publish with them again.

May 22, 2021 01:05AM

Ms.D. Gandhimathi

I thank to IMPACT for my journal publication. They are being a well-defined journal. It was a good experience with IMPACT. The communication with editorial board is well and good. They are given valuable feedback and guidance. I am very much satisfied with the overall process.

May 22, 2021 01:05AM

Mr.KVVS Satyanarayana

The truly remarkable thing about the IMPACT is what they have proposed: developing a framework for free and open dissemination of research throughout the world. If IMPACT is going to go ahead with its new plan to provide open-access, peer-reviewed journals, I wholeheartedly support it. This is the path towards increasing the role of scholarship in the future. Although it is not overly influential, the IMPACT awards outstanding scholars, scholarships to brilliant students worldwide to promote broad thinking and technological development. The board of editors was established to collect excellent research papers from all over the world, and to appoint prominent scientists and engineers from various fields of research. I worked with the IMPACT board and had a positive experience. the intellectual product, the review processes, works that appear in other academic journals, and published results are all exactly the same When you read on IMPACT website, you'll find innovative approaches and authors and researchers that have a real impact in other regions of the world.